• July


  • 322


AW Rail – our teams love a bit of brickwork! – Over the past 16 months we have continued to fulfil our contract for another valued client with repairs to over 300 arches across London and the South East. It’s not just one team out there either, we have multiple teams of experienced brickwork specialists out all week every week.

The man hours alone on this on-going project are staggering, it’s not just the replacement of the bricks but all the preparation that goes into making sure we complete every single archway to the highest standard and the specification of our client.

The repairs to some 300 arches have at the last count consumed some 65,000 bricks and an awful lot of mixing sand, cement and carrying, sometimes these arches are not the most accessible.

With difficult working conditions (arches are notoriously dirty) having to complete the works wearing air fed masks and often at height, our teams are highly conscious of completing every archway on time but more importantly safely and without incident.

This means we have had ZERO to A&E and we’d like to thank all those involved from our labourers right up to the project and contract managers overseeing these works.

In case you were unaware many of these arches are now being repurposed for use by a variety of new businesses, from offices to cafes, designer clothing shops to restaurants – they have of late become quite the entrepreneurial destination. The continued works by our teams of brickwork specialists is securing us more and more work and we are always looking to expand upon these services to other clients.

At AW Rail we are continually called upon by clients old and new for specialist brickwork repairs and are working on a number of projects across the network here in the South East and beyond, from arches, to viaducts, bridges to tunnels and more. If you would like to know more about the works we can carry out for you then please pop us a message here on LinkedIn or contact any of the AW Rail staff at our head office.

AW Rail Services have been delivering rail projects for several years right across the Rail &  Construction sector.

Our extensive rail experience of over 120 years, combining decades of hands-on knowledge, providing building enhancements and maintenance solutions, improving infrastructure for passengers and operators, delivering major projects, and fulfilling long-term maintenance contracts really sets us apart.

Our services are varied from structural maintenance on tunnels, bridges, foot crossings, signal gantries, to station refurbishment, platform enhancements, civils works on and around the track, the mechanism management of lineside vegetation and further afield, painting of all types of structures and lastly but perhaps most importantly the provision of rail labour, not only supporting the projects we carry out for our projects but for the provision of labour to other clients.


We have a great team here at AW Group – meet a few of them that help contribute to this News section.

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