• July


  • 296


Brunswick House Primary School – Forest School volunteer day 

AW Rail were recently asked by one of our clients if we could provide some help in attending a local school here in Kent to clear away an overgrown area within the school grounds to make way for a new forest school.

So, on a rather damp Monday (followed by a slightly less damp Tuesday), our team consisting of Nick , Ian and, Greg, plus our rail team of, Ben, Darren, Simon, and Danny, arrived at Brunswick House Primary School in Maidstone with an excavator and lots of enthusiasm and began the huge task of clearing this very overgrown piece of land. Alongside this we made good some minor repairs elsewhere within the school grounds and created an easier access route to the site, painted some tables and generally had a good time!

Also present on site where a team from Balfour Beatty and between us we managed to clear this overgrown area along with reducing the encroaching vegetation along one of the perimeter walls to establish an area for some bug hotels made from recycled materials from other areas of the school, along with materials form rail construction projects.

Working with Erik Uebel from Woodpeckers of Kent we further provided some bird boxes, bat boxes and a hedgehog house all made from recycled timber.  Further collaborating with some of our supply chain partners on brush cutters, excavator, and other materials.

We hope that when the pupils return to school, they will be able to develop a programme of activities with their teachers to make maximum usage of this facility.

Huge thanks to everyone that took part from Balfour Beatty, AW Rail, and volunteers from the school.

AW Rail Brunswck House Primary Forest School

AW Rail Services have been delivering rail projects for several years right across the Rail &  Construction sector.

Our extensive rail experience of over  120 years, combining decades of hands-on knowledge, providing building enhancements and maintenance solutions, improving infrastructure for passengers and operators, delivering major projects, and fulfilling long-term maintenance contracts really sets us apart.

Our services are varied from structural maintenance on tunnels, bridges, foot crossings, signal gantries, to station refurbishment, platform enhancements, civils works on and around the track, the mechanism management of lineside vegetation and further afield, painting of all types of structures and lastly but perhaps most importantly the provision of rail labour, not only supporting the projects we carry out for our projects but for the provision of labour to other clients.


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