Environmental Policy Statement

The management of AW Construction Services Ltd and AW Rail Services Limited (or the Company) understands the clear impact on the Environment that the railway and construction industry can have if the waste products from the tasks are not managed, controlled, and disposed of in a correct and proper manner.

It is the intention of the Company to work in an environmentally efficient manner and therefore minimise the impact and damage uncontrolled work practices can have relating to waste generation and disposal.

This will be achieved by consultation as and when required with the Environment Agency or Environmental Consultant to ensure the best working practices are employed and maintained. Realistic timescales for improvement objectives will be set to reduce the potential for Environmental Loss. The areas for continuous improvement will be in the following areas although the list is not conclusive or exhaustive:

  • Compliance
  • Waste Minimisation
  • Waste Management
  • Accurate procurement, Purchasing Controls Material supply
  • External Liaison for additional guidance
  • Specifically protecting the environment, with reference to aspects of work activities that are environmentally significant;
  • Specifically minimising the environmental impact, for the life cycle; (including disposal), of plant, equipment, and other physical assets under the control of the supplier
  • Training and Information of all staff members
  • Reduce waste by more definitive measuring and cutting
  • Re-use materials wherever possible
  • Re-cycle any waste that cannot be reused
  • Pollution Prevention

The workforce employed will also be advised of the intention of AW Construction Services Ltd in relation to Environmental issues and be actively encouraged to work in a correct and proper manner to ensure compliance to any instruction issued from the company.

The Company’s Duty of Care under The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and relevant legislation will be followed so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure compliance.

© Copyright 2024 AW Rail Services Limited AW Construction Services Limited by AW Group