• November


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Running from November 5th to 7th November Rail Wellbeing live has one clear objective:

To enhance the heath and wellbeing of all rail industry colleagues.

All sessions are free and cover a multitude of subjects revolving around and work and personal lives. Help yourself and those around you to improve wellbeing, get fit, increase and improve your mental health, where to go if you just need a chat.

No matter how small the change you make it can have a significant impact on your wellbeing and of those around you. Changes that can make a wider difference across the rail industry and beyond.

You can also join Wellbeing Wednesdays where a different subject matter is broached each week, again, this information is free and often led by an industry expert.

So, if you’d like to find out more or drop in on one of the sessions this week then register for FREE over at the Rail Wellbeing website:


The health of the UK’s railways depends on the health of the tens of thousands of colleagues who keep the industry moving. Rail Wellbeing was created to help address the many challenges and the working environment within the rail industry.

Be part of the change to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone who works in rail.

AW Rail Services have been delivering rail projects for several years right across the Rail &  Construction sector.

Our extensive rail experience of over  120 years, combining decades of hands-on knowledge, providing building enhancements and maintenance solutions, improving infrastructure for passengers and operators, delivering major projects, and fulfilling long-term maintenance contracts really sets us apart.

Our services are varied from structural maintenance on tunnels, bridges, foot crossings, signal gantries, to station refurbishment, platform enhancements, civils works on and around the track, the mechanism management of lineside vegetation and further afield, painting of all types of structures and lastly but perhaps most importantly the provision of rail labour, not only supporting the projects we carry out for our projects but for the provision of labour to other clients.


We have a great team here at AW Group – meet a few of them that help contribute to this News section.

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