• June


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World Environment Day 2023 – 5th June

Today is the day (hopefully along with every other day of the year) that we highlight awareness and encourage action for the protection of the environment.

Whilst this year’s theme is focusing on finding solutions to plastic pollution, which, when you start reading the statistics highlights the shocking waste that occurs with half of the worldwide production of plastic only being single use!

Across our activities within the rail and construction sector we are always looking at ways in which we can reduce not only plastic waste but from all the other waste streams encountered on our projects.

Over the past 12 months we have forged some fantastic partnerships with many commercial and community organisations to reuse, recycle, upcycle, and collaborate on ideas for other areas of waste that we see returned to our yard to enter the circular economy.

We continue to engage with many local organisations supplying them with timber, bricks, plastic drainage ducting, paint and more. The conversations that we have with people from different sectors of the community allows us to identify different waste streams as having a value to these organisations, allowing us to reduce our impact on the environment even further.

However, it is not just about providing materials to these organisations, empowering the people that make use of these facilities, seeing the wide range of end products that are produced to further enhance other communities within the local area all going to making a more sustainable future for all.

AW Group would like to thank all those that have contributed to the many partnerships we have formed and for their support. We always welcome enquiries from local community organisations, charities, schools, colleges to discuss your needs.

Social Value Projects

AW Group is a multi-disciplined construction company providing a broad range of support and manpower across building and rail projects.

Our Fields are:

AW Construction – We offer an outstanding UK-wide fit out service, taking care of everything from scheduling rollouts & ordering materials to assistance with design and onsite delivery

AW Rail – We use the very best labour force and a proactive approach to deliver first-class construction and maintenance projects across the rail industry

AW Labour – We provide a high-calibre blue collar and white-collar workforce with a diverse range of skills, to support the construction and rail industries


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